Research@MIT: An Atlas App for Researchers

Research@MIT is a new app in MIT’s flagship Atlas suite, offering users streamlined tools for research administration, collaboration, compliance, and innovation management. Designed for MIT principal investigators (PIs) and their administrative teams, the app draws on data from Kuali Coeus, SAP, and other enterprise systems to create a “PI dashboard.”

Research@MIT currently allows you to:

  • View available funds for each of your active sponsored and non-sponsored research awards and drill down into categories of expenses incurred to date.
  • View the status of your proposals submitted to sponsors; COUHES protocols; and requested non-disclosure, data-use, and material transfer agreements (NDAs, DUAs, MTAs)
  • Submit innovation disclosures to the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) and view your “open” or “closed” TLO cases. 

Access Notes, Future Features and Support Information

Download Research@MIT

To download the app for your platform of choice, please visit

If notified in the app that updates are available, follow the same process to re-install the app.

Mac users may be asked for their Apple ID. You can create an Apple ID with your MIT email, or use an existing personal Apple ID.

Introducing Research@MIT 

Provides an overview of the application and its functionality. Suitable for all users.


Application Overview 

Provides more detailed instructions for how to navigate the PI view on the app. Suitable for all users.


Department Overview 

Provides a tour of the department view on the application. Suitable for department administrators.


Access Notes

All MIT principal investigators (PIs) have full access to these features on Android, iOS/MacOS, and Windows platforms. 

DLCI research administrators may also access data within the app with departmental approval. To request approval, please contact your Financial Primary Authorizer, who may assign you the role of Department Admin in the KCOS category.

Research collaborators may access via invitation code after they have been identified as a creator on a Technology Licensing Office disclosure. Questions regarding this process may be sent to

Note that the app itself must be downloaded to your device and is not available via web browser.

Future Features

While the app is now fully live, development is underway to expand and improve its features on a rolling basis. Going forward, Research@MIT is expected to incorporate:

  • Additional details and greater drill-down capability on salaries and expenditures.
  • Proposals in development.
  • Functionality to support the workflow for requesting, reviewing, and approving funding of under-recovered F&A on sponsored research grants (pilot in progress).
  • Other features to be determined by your needs.

Once downloaded, the app should update with new features automatically. If your app does not automatically update, try downloading it again.

Support and Feedback

If you need immediate help with the app, please contact the IS&T Service Desk for timely support.

We also invite and welcome your feedback on the app’s features, ease of use, and efficiency. Please send comments and feature requests to

Updated June17, 2024