Countries Presenting Added Risk

MIT has identified countries of concern that include government-identified Countries of Concern, sanctioned countries, and countries posing elevated risks for research. These categories present compliance risks, as well as travel safety risks

Government-identified Countries of Concern

The government considers countries with military and related capabilities capable of posing a significant threat to U.S. national security to be Countries of Concern. At present, these countries include:

  • China
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Russia

Sanctioned countries

Sanctioned countries are subject to broad political, military and/or economic sanctions through executive orders or changes in federal law. Contact MIT Export Control if your research or teaching involves people or entities in comprehensively sanctioned or broadly sanctioned countries.

Comprehensively sanctioned countries include:

  • Iran
  • Cuba
  • Syria
  • North Korea
  • The Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic regions of Ukraine

We generally cannot conduct business with residents of the comprehensively sanctioned countries, even if they are not restricted parties.

Broadly sanctioned countries

Belarus, Russia, and Venezuela are all very broadly sanctioned.

  • Venezuela: Interactions with government-owned businesses in Venezuela, including many banks and universities, are limited
  • Belarus and Russia: Guidance on interacting with Russia and Belarus is evolving. Contact MIT Export Control for up-to-date guidance on working with residents or entities in Russia and Belarus.

Elevated Risk Countries

Independent of any government assessment, MIT considers China, Russia and Saudi Arabia to be elevated risk countries. Engagements with these countries are subject to the elevated risk process.